While our last rest day was one for catching up with family, this one is for cleaning, replacing and repairing. We start by washing clothes, my gaiters, boots, laces and even our Superfeet insoles. Interestingly, this relaxes the insoles again and they feel much more pliant afterwards. We next need to find some dubbin to re proof our boots.
There is a Mountain Warehouse shop on the Market Square. This looked somewhat down at heel last night with ‘Everything must go’ and ‘Up to 70% off’ signs, but inside it is well stocked. We buy some dubbin and look at the one pair of gaiters they stock. They are only in large size; not long enough for Richard whose height is all in his legs, though they would do if there were no other options. Fortunately, Yvonne is coming later and will bring up the pair Rich left behind. We stock up on toiletries then head of to the cathedral to do some sightseeing.
Ripon is one of England’s smallest cities. The cathedral was founded by St Wilfred in 672 and the original Anglo-Saxon crypt remains (and has a very low ceiling). It’s another religious building with rather confused architecture but it’s a lovely church nonetheless with chatty, helpful volunteers. We have coffee and paradise flapjack in a café nearby.
In Ripon, everyone has asked where we are from (as we are obviously not local) and they are all a bit surprised that we have walked here from Norfolk. We’re not the only things here from Norfolk though, a cabman’s shelter, built in Norwich, occupies one corner of the market square. We saunter back to the hotel to do some route planning and, before we know it, it’s half past two and Yvonne will soon be here.
Yvonne has brought the much missed gaiters but they are broken at the top and can’t be tightened. This is probably why Rich left them behind. She has also brought a sewing kit so I can mend one of our tops. I use this and some webbing she has in her car to fashion a new strap for the offending gaiter top: mission accomplished. We all have a very late sandwich lunch, do some more mulling over maps, then Yvonne makes her way home. We go out to eat - Ripon has some good restaurants - and then it’s back to our room for me to blog and Rich to put some more wax on the boots. It’s seven days solid walking from tomorrow.